
The range of services available in Pohjois-Leppävaara is unparalleled. Shopping Centre Galleria and other outlets, grocery shops and restaurants in the area are mostly focused around the railway station. The area is at a traffic hub, and connections to other locations in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area are excellent. 

The area also has an upper secondary school, two universities of applied sciences and several day care centres. Pohjois-Leppävaara features a sports park, which includes a sports stadium, football pitches, ice arena, fitness trail and swimming hall. All kinds of recreational activities are possible year-round.

Etelä-Leppävaara on the other side of the tracks is a large hub for services. Concerts, exhibitions and other events are held at Sello Hall. The Sello shopping centre is located in the immediate vicinity of Sello Hall. In addition to numerous shops and restaurants, the shopping centre includes a cinema and bowling alley.