Kuvassa henkilö pitelee matkapuhelinta, jonka ruudulta nousee peukkuja ja sydämiä.

Espoon Asunnot on social media

Espoon Asunnot is actively engaged on social media channels. We share information related to housing on Facebook and Instagram, as well as videos on YouTube. For stakeholders and partners, we communicate on LinkedIn.

Rules for interaction on our social media

We want to encourage open discussions on our social media channels, but everyone must behave in a polite and appropriate manner, comply with the law and respect other people’s privacy.   

Advertising, ideological or political campaigning, and the intentional spreading of misleading information are not allowed. Defamation, abusive comments to other people or criticizing them by name, swearing, racism and inciting criminal activities are prohibited.    
The administrators may remind a user about these rules in case of inappropriate behaviour or delete any messages that break these rules. If a user repeatedly breaks our rules, their access to our social media account in question may be blocked.  

Follow us 

Posts on our social media channels are primarily in Finnish.