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Resident activities

Come and take part in resident activities! In resident activities, you can influence matters related to your housing. Every resident of Espoon Asunnot can participate in their building’s common events and influence the comfort of living.

The goal is for the activities in the building to be in line with the residents’ needs and wishes. Therefore, the activities in different buildings may be different. It is important that the activities are suitable for residents of all ages and backgrounds.  

There is no obligation to participate in the activities, but taking part in them is definitely worth it. Residents can participate in the activities in the extent that they have the time and interest. 

Some people may be interested in participating in the residents’ committee, for others it is enough to participate in things such as garden parties. The main thing is that the neighbours get to know each other and can talk with each other openly.

Community-based activities on properties represent the informal side of resident activities. Residents’ committees selected at residents' meetings represent the formal side of resident activity.

Resident activities give the residents the opportunity to influence matters concerning their housing. They are an important part of the cooperation between Espoon Asunnot and its residents. A safe, functional and pleasant living environment is in the common interest of residents and Espoon Asunnot. In addition, smooth cooperation between residents and the lessor promotes the maintenance of the building and reasonable rent levels.