Kuvassa henkilö tarkastaa palovaroitinta ja vieressä on punainen sammutuspeitto
News 7.3.2022

Periodic inspections of civil defence shelters under way

The situation in Ukraine is understandably giving rise to all kinds of speculation and some of our residents have sent us questions related to the civil defence shelters at our properties. Some 270 civil defence shelters are located at properties owned by Espoon Asunnot.


As the City of Espoo reports on its website, there is currently no threat to Finland that would require issuing an official order to deploy civil defence shelters. In its release, the City of Espoo also describes more extensively the measures that would be taken in Espoo if there was a need to protect the population. 

We regularly inspect and maintain our civil defence shelters

Espoon Asunnot is currently inspecting all the civil defence shelters at its properties as a part of our regular maintenance operations. The inspection work is being carried out by KT Paloturvapalvelut Oy and tightness tests are also being conducted during the inspections, and the equipment in the shelters is being supplemented.

The ten-year periodic inspections of civil defence shelters and tightness tests were started last year and are still under way. So far, roughly half of the 270 Espoon Asunnot civil defence shelters have been inspected and the rest will be done during this year.

In addition to the ten-year periodic inspections, all civil defence shelters are inspected and maintained annually by maintenance companies.

Safety is also part of resident activities. Residents can choose from among themselves a shelter manager and safety manager. We provide training for these roles.

Are you familiar with the rescue plan of your property?

Each of our properties has a rescue plan. It lists the various risks and their consequences, how to prevent them and what to do if a risk materialises. The rescue plan also includes important phone numbers.

The rescue plans of all of our properties are available at the ‘At home’ section of our website, under ‘Safety at home’, or through the link below.

Property rescue plans