Kuvassa on piirros kahdesta rekka-autosta kertomaan jätekeräysautojen kierroksista.
News 21.8.2024

Collection trucks touring Espoo in September and October

It’s time for autumn cleaning! Collection trucks of Kierrätyskeskus and HSY tour in Espoo starting next week, and the touring continues until late October. The collection truck of Kierrätyskeskus takes tidy, intact and clean small household items and textiles, and HSY’s hazardous waste collection truck circulates collecting hazardous waste of households.

Kierrätyskeskus collects small household items and textiles

The collection truck of Kierrätyskeskus circulates in Espoo from September 26 to October 24.

You can bring tidy, intact and clean small household items and household textiles that are suitable for reuse, for example

  • Dishes and kitchenware
  • Interior and decorative items
  • Hobby equipment
  • Toys and games
  • Clothes, shoes, bags and accessories
  • Household textiles
  • Materials suitable for crafts and handicrafts

In addition to these, Kierrätyskeskus accepts bicycles and small electronics in any condition. Please note that due to lack of space, they cannot accept furniture in the collection truck.

Kierrätyskeskuksen keräysauton kuljettaja poseeraa keräysauton edessä.

Collection truck of Kierrätyskeskus circulates in Espoo from September 26 to October 24. Photo: Heikki Kivijärvi / HSY

HSY organizes a collection tour for household hazardous waste in the beginning of September

Helsinki Region Environmental Services HSY’s collection vehicle for hazardous waste circulates in Espoo from September 2 to September 9 in areas where there are no permanent collection points for hazardous waste.

What can you bring to the hazardous waste collection vehicle?

Hazardous waste includes, among other things

  • Paint
  • Cleaning chemicals
  • Expired gasoline
  • Thermometers containing mercury
  • Nail polish
  • Aerosol cans and bottles with product still inside
  • Fluorescent tubesand energy-saving lamps
  • Batteries

You can check the comprehensive list of hazardous waste on  HSY’s website. Hazardous waste should be disposed through separate collection intended for them and not through mixed waste. 

Due to the lack of space, large loads (over 200 liters) of hazardous waste cannot be accepted at the collection vehicle. They should be taken straight to Sortti stations by individuals themselves. The collection vehicle neither can accept other waste, like electronical appliances, metal and mixed waste.

Kaksi ihmistä kantamassa vanhaa grilliä auton perävaunusta kierrätykseen Sortti-asemalle.

Large items should be properly recycled. Itemss in good condition can be taken to Kierrätyskeskus, items in poor condition must be taken to Sortti Stations. Both operators also have a paid pick-up service. Photo: Elina Manninen / HSY

Proper recycling of large items

Furniture and other large items may not be left in the property’s waste collection point. Large items must be properly recycled according to their condition: items in good condition can be taken to Kierrätyskeskus, while items in poor condition must be delivered to HSY’s Sortti Stations.

You can bring items to both Kierrätyskeskus and HSY yourself, but both operators also have a pick-up service, liable for a charge.