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News 04.03.2025 - 15:18

Changes to the collection and return of keys and ordering additional ones

During the spring, key management at our properties will be transferred from maintenance companies to locksmiths. This change will not affect you if you are not moving and you do not need additional keys.

So far, our key management has been handled by four maintenance companies and Lukkokeskus Oy. During spring 2025, key management at our properties is being transferred from the maintenance companies to locksmiths: Lukkokeskus Oy and Caverion Suomi Oy. 

In the future, Lukkokeskus and Caverion will handle the collection and return of keys, additional keys, laundry room key tags and parking space permits and keys.  

The property maintenance companies will remain unchanged and continue to be responsible for dealing with fault reports and maintenance requests.  

Changes in phases from March to May  

The change will take place for different properties at different times from March to May, starting on 10 March 2025.  

For those properties where Lukkokeskus already manages the keys, there will be no changes to the collection and return of keys.  

Collecting keys 

New residents will be able to find instructions on how to collect their keys in their tenancy agreement.  

Returning keys  

Residents moving out will be able to find instructions on how to return the keys in the tenancy agreement’s termination confirmation, which is sent to the customer by email. 

Ordering additional keys, laundry room key tags and parking space keys and permits  

To find out who is responsible for managing the keys at your property, check the residents’ online service EAsy or the notice board in your building.  

Opening doors  

There will be no changes to how doors are opened. The property maintenance company will continue to be responsible for unlocking the door if you have forgotten your key.  

Key management

Caverion key management

Residents whose key management is to be managed by Caverion will pick up keys from and return them to key machines. 

New residents will receive a text message before the start of their tenancy and outgoing residents before the end of their tenancy, with instructions, the location of the key machine and a code to open its locker.  

The key machines will be located in central locations throughout Espoo, next to K-Markets and K-Supermarkets. It will be possible to use the machines during the shops’ opening hours, including evenings and weekends. 

Lukkokeskus key management

Residents whose key management is to be managed by Lukkokeskus will pick up keys from and return them to Lukkokeskus’ customer service point at Asemakuja 3, Espoo.  

The aim is that Lukkokeskus will later also have key machines where you can pick up and return keys.