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News 12.9.2024

Proposals for 2025 rents sent to residents’ committees for comment

Espoon Asunnot has completed drafts of property-specific calculations to determine the rents we need to charge. The calculations include a proposal for the rents for 2025.

Challenging cost developments affect rents

Our task is to ensure, through careful cost management and investments, that we can continue to offer high-quality and affordable rental apartments to our customers. On the basis of the 2025 budget, we propose that rents increase by an average of 4.75% at the beginning of next year. 

The need for a rent increase is due to a number of economic factors that affect our cost structure: 

Interest rates on loans
Espoon Asunnot’s loan portfolio is significant, and its value continues to increase with new construction and renovations. Although interest rates have slightly decreased recently, a return to zero interest rates is unlikely. For this reason, interest rates on loans have a significant impact on cost development. 

VAT rate
VAT increased to 25.5% at the beginning of September and this will increase the cost of all the services we purchase by 1.21%.

Despite the slowing down of inflation, prices are still rising but at a slower rate. This means that the slowing down of inflation has not had a positive impact on cost development.

Rent payment letters for 2025 to residents in October

We will confirm the rents for 2025 at the end of September. Approved rent adjustments will be communicated on our website and in the resident newsletter in October. During October, we will send residents letters about the rent we will charge for their home in 2025.